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緒言 レーベル粟粒血管瘤は,1912年Leber1)が発表した,網膜の小血管瘤が多発し,それに伴った輪状網膜症を主徴とする疾患である。血管病変からコーツ病の軽症例と考えられており2),治療には光凝固が有効であるとされているが2〜5),本疾患に対する報告は少ない。今回筆者らはレーベル粟粒血管瘤に対する治療成績を検討したので報告する。
We evaluated the results of treatment for cir-cinate retinopathy due to Leber's miliary aneurysm in 10 eyes of 10 patients. Aneurysms were directly coagulated by Argon green laser. After follow-up periods of 9 to 79 months, circinate retinopathy improved in all eyes. The visual acuity improved in 5 eyes (50%), and in 6 eyes (60%) the final visual acuity was 20/20 or better. In 8 eyes, several treat-ment were needed because of recurrence of aneu-rysms which were detected at different locations from the initial lesions. These results indicate that laser photocoagulation is effective for treatment of Leber's miliary aneurysm and a long-term follow-up is important.

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