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眼内レンズ二次挿入毛様溝縫着術における新しいab externo法の手技を紹介した。加えて,本アプローチにおける筆者らが開発した8mm大径眼内レンズおよび強膜フラップ作成法の利点についても解説した。
We developed a new suturing method for sulcus fixation of posterior chamber lens. Two 27G nee-dles are penetrated ab externo through the sclera and are advanced till presentation of their barrels.Straight needles with 10-0 polypropylene threads, which are fixed to the intraocular lens, are then inserted into the barrel of the 27G needles. When the latter is withdrawn, the polypropylene thread will follow transsclerally. This method facilitates safe and rapid sulcus fixation of the intraocular lens.
Copyright © 1993, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.