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新たに開発されたホルミウム—YAGレーザー装置を用いた緑内障濾過手術(scleros—tomy ab externo)を眼圧コントロール不良な緑内障患者に施行し,その安全性および眼圧下降効果につき検討した。
13例14眼に対しsclerostomy ab externoを施行した結果,全例に容易に前房への穿孔が得られ,術直後より濾過胞の形成が認められた。術後の眼圧が21mmHg未満に調整される確率は,術後3か月では50.0%,術後9か月では31.3%であった。術後合併症として,脈絡膜剥離,浅前房,前房出血,虹彩嵌頓を認めたが,これらは一部の症例を除き保存的治療のみで自然消退した。
We performed sclerostomy ab externo with hol-mium-YAG laser in 14 eyes with uncontrollable glaucoma. In each of 14 procedures in 14 eyes, a filtering fistula was created with ease with immedi-ate bleb formation. The patients were followed up for 1 to 10 months, median 6.0±3.1 months. The rate of successful control of intraocular pressure with or without medications, estimated by life -table method of Kaplan-Meier, was 50% at 3 months after surgery and 31% at 9 months. Compli-cations developed in 10 eyes, including choroidal detachment, shallow anterior chamber, hyphema and iris incarceration. These complications were mild and self-limited in all but 3 eyes. The possible advantages of this procedure were minimal con-junctival trauma without intraocular manipula-tions and shorter operation time. These features enabled the procedure to be performed on an outpatient basis.

Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.