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We observed a female child with severe andrecurrent exophthalmos in her right eye from 2 till9 years of age. The exophthalmos had been noticedduring early infancy. We strongly suspected orbitallymphangioma as submandibular and cervicaltumors, present since birth, had been diagnosedhistopathologically as lymphangioma and as CTand MRI of the orbit during remissions showedhoneycomb-like pattern surrounding the opticnerve. The exophthalmos during the phase of exac-erbation was thought to be due to growth of thetumor which filled the retrobulbar spacehomogenously by CT findings. However, T2-weigh-ted MRI showed an enlarged tumor consisting ofnumerous cysts with formation of niveau, showingthe exophthalmos to be due to enlargement of thetumor secondary to hemorrhage within the tumormass. This case illustrates the value of MRI indetecting the structure of orbital tumor.

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