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A 76-year-old female underwent uneventfulextracapsular cataract surgery with posteriorchamber lens implantation 13 months before. Com-plaints of failing vision of recent onset led todetection of luxation of the intraocular lens in thevitreous cavity. We performed pars planavitrectomy and filled the vitreous cavity by per-fluorotributylamine to let the intraocular lens tofloat till reaching the iris diaphragm. Theintraocular lens was then removed through a cor-neoscleral wound. No droplets of perfluoro-tributylamine were detected postoperatively in theanterior chamber. Studies of the removedintraocular lens showed minimal adhesion of per-fluorotributylamine. No pathological clinical andelectrophysiological findings have been observedduring 35 weeks after surgical removal. Perfluo-rotributylamine, a liquid perfluorochemical com-pound, can be transiently used for management ofluxated intraocular lens if careful attention be paidto remove the compound at the end of surgery.

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