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円錐角膜241例421眼を,photokerato—scope (PKS)を用いて,角膜形状異常の程度に応じて3群に分類し,各群の臨床所見について検討した。Ⅰ群(軽度)はPKS写真の中央のリングのみに変化のあるもの,Ⅱ群(中等度)は中央に加え周辺部に変化が認められるもの,Ⅲ群(高度)は中央部の変化が著しいものとすると,対象はⅠ群210眼,Ⅱ群116眼,Ⅲ群95眼に分類された。Ⅰ群,Ⅱ群,Ⅲ群の順に角膜実質混濁,およびacute hydropsの出現頻度は増加し,コンタクトレンズによる矯正視力は低下した。初期円錐角膜を角膜中央部の突出や菲薄化が細隙灯顕微鏡検査で不明瞭であり,keratoconus lineやFleischer'sringが存在しないが,PKSで円錐角膜に特徴的な所見を有するものとすると,Ⅰ群に初期円錐角膜が70眼存在し,全対象の17%に相当していた。
We conducted a prospective study of 421 eyes of keratoconus in 241 cases. We paid particular atten-tion to the clinical features and the shape of the cornea as assessed by Photokeratoscopy. We divided the cases into 3 groups according to the morphometric findings : group Ⅰ , Ⅱ and Ⅲ, includ-ing 210, 116 and 95 eyes respectively. Group Ⅰ was characterized by irregular central mire. Group Ⅱwas characterized by additional moderate irregu-larity of peripheral mire. Group Ⅲ showed severe irregularity of central mire.
Incidence of corneal opacity and acute hydrops increased from group Ⅰ to Ⅲ. Percentage of eyes with full visual acuity with hard contact lens was largest in group Ⅰ and decreased in group Ⅱ and further in group Ⅲ.
Photokeratoscopy led to the detection of 70 eyes of early keratoconus without obvious central thin-ning, protrusion, keratoconus line or Fleischer ring as slitlamp findings. Photokeratoscopy was thus useful in assessing the clinical features and in detecting early keratoconus.

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