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その結果,正常人に比較して角膜曲率半径は,平均が8.35±0.25mm (SD)とかなり大きく,眼軸長は平均が19.67±1.20mmと著明に短かかった.また屈折状態は検査可能であった全例で遠視傾向にあつた.角膜厚は,角膜移植後の1眼を除き,0.6mm以上と厚かった.10年間の経過観察ができた1例では,成長に伴う遠視の著明な進行が認められた.これらのことより,Mucopolysac-charidosisでは,ムコ多糖類が眼内各組織に蓄積することにより,角膜混濁や網膜の変性が生じるだけではなく,各組織の正常な成長を阻害し,角膜曲率半径が大きく,かつ眼軸長が短くなり,その結果として遠視になるのではないかと推測される.
We quantitated the refraction, axial length, cor-neal curvature and thickness in 4 patients with Scheie syndrome and in one with Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome. All the patients were females, with agesranging from 12 to 44 years.
The series was characterized by large corneal curvature and small axial length. The corneal cur-vature ranged from 8.03 to 8.69 mm, average 8.35± 0.25 (s. d.) . The axial length ranged from 17.99 to 21.64 mm, average 19.67±1.20. Mild to high hyper-opia was present in all the eyes. The corneal thick-ness measured 0.6 mm or more in all the eyes.
The findings indicate an abnormal growth pat-tern of the eye in patients with mucopolysacchar-idoses, resulting in larger corneal curvature, smal-ler axial length and, consequently, hyperopia.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(7) : 771-774, 1988

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