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A 71-year old male presented with pain and redness in the right eye. The lens had luxated in the vitreous after blunt trauma 20 years before. There was marked iridocyclitis, lens material in the ante-rior chamber and raised intraocular pressure. We diagnosed the case as lens-induced endophthalmitis with secondary glaucoma. During vitrectomy, we observed white-yellowish precipitates along theretinal vessels. The precipitates disappeared 7 days after surgery. The endophthalmitis subsided with normalization of intraocular pressure. The patient regained final visual acuity of 0.4.
It has been claimed that the crystalline lens dislocated posteriorly be left untouched in the absence of complications. As lens-induced endo-phthalmitis is a liability in such an eye, we advo-cate early removal of the posteriorly luxated lens.

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