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要約 目的:薬剤耐性の真菌性眼内炎にボリコナゾールが奏効した症例の報告。症例:71歳男性が右眼の飛蚊症と視力低下で受診した。6週間前に胆管癌の手術を受けた。経中心静脈高カロリー輸液(IVH)を開始し,18日後に発熱し,IVHカテーテルの先端から真菌が培養された。フルコナゾールの全身投与で解熱したが,右眼視力が低下し,フルコナゾールを増量したが無効であった。所見:矯正視力は右0.04,左0.9で,右眼の中心窩前にfungus ballがあった。真菌性眼内炎と診断し,ボリコナゾールの点滴を開始した。翌日からfungus ballは縮小しはじめ,17日目に退院した。中心窩に瘢痕が残り,最終視力は0.1であった。結論:フルコナゾール耐性の真菌性眼内炎に対し,ボリコナゾールの全身投与が奏効した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of drug-resistant fungal endophthalmitis that responded to systemic voriconazole. Case:A 71-year-old male presented with impaired visual acuity in his right eye. He had received surgery for bile duct cancer 6 weeks before followed by intravenous hyperalimentation(IVH). He developed fever 18 days later. Candida was cultured from the tip of catheter for IVH. Systemic fluconazole was followed by progressively impaired vision in his right eye. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.04 right and 0.9 left. The right eye showed a fungus ball involving the fovea. Intravenous infusion of voriconazole was started under the diagnosis of fungal endophthalmitis. The fungus ball started to decrease on day 2 of treatment. The patient was discharged from hospital with visual acuity of 0.1 due to scarring of fovea. Conclusion:Systemic voriconazole was effective for fluconazoleresistant fungal endophthalmitis.

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