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The instruction of ocular instillation technique and the research of ocular instillation usage in inpatients Orie Taniyoshi 1 , Taro Nagai 2 , Koichiro Mukai 2 , Koki Fukushima 1 , Junichiro Tsutsui 3 1Department of Ophthalmology, Kumamoto Kenhoku Hospital 2Department of Pharmacy, Kumamoto Kenhoku Hospital 3Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of life Sciences, Kumamoto University pp.471-476
Published Date 2023/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214764
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Abstract Purpose:We instruct all inpatients about instillation technique to continue ocular instillation appropriately during hospitalization. We report the usage and technique of ocular instillation in inpatients.

Subject and method:The study included 237 people(average age 79.0±9.9 years old)who could be instructed about ocular instillation technique among 308 people who performed ocular instillation during hospitalization from October 2021 to July 2022. We evaluated understanding(“Instillation purpose”, “Direction for use”)and technique(“Open eyelids”, “Non-contact instillation”, “Quantity of instillation”)scored based on our own evaluation criteria and researched “Instillation position”, and “Hospitalized instillation manager” together.

Results:The mean number of ocular instillation use was 1.9. This was most frequently performed for dry eye and cornea treatment, followed by glaucoma. The score was highest for “Direction for use” and lowest for “Non-contact instillation”. The scores were poorer for practical skills than for understanding, and in 26.6% of the participants, all items had good scores. Sex and the instillation number had no correlation with the scores of the instruction of ocular instillation technique, and the scores decreased with age. Glaucoma treatment ocular instillation users had better scores than those seen among other instillation users. It often shifted downward when the eye drop failed. Six percent of self-managers needed medical person management.

Conclusion:Approximately a quarter of the participants were able to perform appropriate ocular instillation in inpatients. We can adjust the environment of the instillation in hospitalized patients' instruction of ocular instillation technique, and it is a good opportunity to learn an appropriate instillation procedure.

Copyright © 2023, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


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