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要約 目的:市販の緑内障点眼薬の容器の使用感についての報告。対象と方法:2008年の3か月間に受診した緑内障で加療中の患者152例を対象にアンケート調査をした。5種類の製剤につき,キャップの大きさと開けやすさ,容器の硬さと持ちやすさ,液もれの程度,1回の点眼液量,残液量の確認の7項目および使いやすい順位を調べた。結果:使いやすさの順位は,デタントール®,ミケラン®,チモプトール®,キサラタン®,エイゾプト®の順であり,デタントール®は容器把持の面で評価され,エイゾプト®は容器本体が硬すぎることが不評であった。結論:患者が使用する緑内障点眼薬の容器の使用感については,点眼時の操作性と点眼液の滴下に関する項目が重要であり,これを考慮した容器の採用が望まれる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of survey regarding handling the commercially available plastic containers of ophthalmic solution for glaucoma. Cases and Method:A questionnaire survey was made on 152 outpatients during 3 months of 2008. They were being treated by either of 5 medications for glaucoma and were asked the ranking of their favorite containers and to state the impression regarding 7 items:size of cap of container,ease in opening and closing the cap,easiness of holding the container,rigidity of container,extent of falling in drops out of container,dripping how many drops at a time,and checking the amount of solution in the container. Results:Ease of handling ranked as follows in the decreasing order:Detantol®,Mikelan®,Timoptol®,Xalatan® and Azopt®. Detantol® was favored as the container was easy to hold. Azopt® was unpopular as the container was too rigid. Conclusion:The current survey has shown that easiness of handling of containers and accuracy of dripping are major factors for designing plastic containers of ophthalmic solution for glaucoma.
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