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要約 目的:ポリープ状脈絡膜血管症(PCV)に対する抗血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF)薬併用光線力学的療法(PDT)後2年における治療成績の検討。
対象と方法:対象は2017年8月〜2019年8月に九州大学病院眼科で未治療PCVに初回からPDTと抗VEGF薬導入期3回投与(1クール)を施行し,2年以上経過観察できた20例20眼。眼底写真での新たな出血,光干渉断層計で確認された滲出性変化,および蛍光眼底造影でのポリープを認めたものを再発と定義した。治療前患者背景,治療前病巣径(GLD),治療前,1,2年後の視力,中心窩網膜厚(CRT),中心窩脈絡膜厚(CCT),dry fovea率,2年間の治療回数,再発率について,診療録をもとに後ろ向きに検討した。
結果:治療前平均logMAR視力(0.23)は,1年後0.12,2年後0.14と改善し,治療前CRT(333.3±21.2μm),CCT(264.6±17.8μm)は,1年後(CRT 231.9±10.7μm,CCT 220.3±17.0μm),2年後(CRT 237.7±9.56μm,CCT 234.9±18.4μm)に減少していた(p<0.05)。1年後80%,2年後70%でdry foveaが得られていた。1年目の抗VEGF薬投与回数は導入期の3回を含めて平均4.65回±0.47回/年,2年目1.9回±0.60回/年であった。2年後の視力不良との関連因子を検討したところ,治療前視力不良,治療前GLDが大きいこと,と有意に関連があった。15例(75%)が再発し,そのうち40%が1年未満に再発していた。それらの早期再発症例の治療前平均CCT(234.9μm)は,1年以上後で再発した症例の平均CCT(314.3μm)に比べ有意に薄くなっていた。
Abstract Purpose:The purpose of this study is to investigate the two-year outcomes of initial photodynamic therapy(PDT)with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)injections for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy(PCV).
Cases and methods:This retrospective study included 20 patients(20 eyes with PCV)who were treated with a combination of PDT and intravitreal anti-VEGF drug injection therapy between August 1st, 2017 and August 1st, 2019. The patients received PDT and anti-VEGF therapy over 3 times and were observed for 24 months after PDT. The recurrence was assessed based on new bleeding in the fundus photograph, exudative changes observed in spectral-domain optical coherent tomography, and the polyps in fluorescein fundus angiography. We evaluated the efficacy of this combination therapy by visual acuity, central retinal thickness(CRT), and central choroidal thickness(CCT)at 12 months and 24 months after PDT. In addition, the recurrence rate and the number of intravitreal anti-VEGF drug injections were also examined.
Results:The mean logMAR visual acuity was improved(0.25 at baseline, 0.12 at 1 year after, and 0.14 at 2 years after;P<0.05)with decrease in the mean CRT(333.3 μm at baseline, 231.9 μm at 1 year after, and 237.7 μm at 2 years after;P<0.05)and mean CCT(264.6 μm at baseline, 220.3 μm at 1 year after, and 234.9 μm at 2 years after;P<0.05). Fifteen eyes(75%)showed recurrence during the observation period. The patients' characteristics, polyp type, and baseline CCT and CRT had no correlation with the visual acuity at 24 months. Forty percent eyes in the recurrent group showed recurrence more than 12 months after PDT. Moreover, the eyes which showed recurrence in a year after PDT tended to have thinner CCT(234.9 μm)than those which showed recurrence one year after PDT(314.3 μm).
Conclusion:The combination of PDT and anti-VEGF drug therapy was effective in maintaining the visual acuity with subfoveal exudative improvement in PCV patients two years after the therapy. However, some patients showed long-term recurrence after PDT;they needed additional treatments and careful follow-up. The thinner CCT at baseline could be a risk factor for earlier recurrence after the PDT-combined anti-VEGF drug therapy for PCV.

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