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要約 目的:3か月以上緑内障点眼薬を使用中の75歳以上の患者61例を対象とし点眼状況について聞き取り調査を行った。対象と方法:調査方法は外来で患者との対面聞き取り法にて行った。また75歳以上85歳未満の後期高齢者群と85歳以上の超高齢者群に分け差異を検討した。結果:全体での平均点眼忘れのスコアは3.7±0.6,自立点眼可能な割合は90.2%であった。後期高齢者群での点眼忘れのスコアは3.8±0.5,超高齢者群では3.7±0.6であり有意差はなかった(p=0.88)。自立点眼可能な割合は後期高齢者群で96.9%,超高齢者群は82.8%であり後期高齢者群が多い傾向にあった(p=0.06)。結論:点眼忘れのスコアに差はなかったが点眼の自立度は超高齢者群で低い傾向にあり,安易な多剤療法は控えるべきである。
Abstract. Purpose:Elderly patients of glaucoma(>75 years)were interviewed regarding the usage of eyedrops. Case and Method:This study involved 61 patients who had been using eyedrops for 3 months or longer. The relation between clinical factors of sex, age, duration of disease, number of eyedrops, self-supported degree of eyedrops and frequency of forgetting eyedrops were studied. Frequency of forgetting eyedrops was converted into numerical data. Statistical analysis was performed on the elder patient group(>85 years)and the semi-elder patients group(<85 years). Result:The score of forgetting eyedrops was 3.7±0.6 in all elderly patients. 90.2% patients had obtained self-supported of eyedrops. The score of forgetting eyedrops was 3.8±0.5 in the semi-elder patients group, 3.7±0.6 in the elder patients group. The difference was not significant(p=0.88). 96.9% patients had obtained self-supported of eyedrops in the semi-elder patients group, 82.8% in the elder patients group. There was a tendency for self-supported degree to worsen in the elder patient group(p=0.06). Conclusion:Compliance with eyedrops treatment was equality. However, there was a tendency for self-supported degree to worsen in the elder patient group.

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