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要約 目的:MALTリンパ腫との鑑別を要した限局性結膜アミロイドーシスを経験したので報告する。
症例:82歳,男性。半年前からの左眼の異物感を主訴に前医を受診し,結膜腫瘍疑いで京都府立医科大学附属病院へ紹介され受診となった。初診時の視力は両眼(0.4)で,左眼の下眼瞼結膜円蓋部に黄色の隆起性病変を認めた。腫瘍部分切除を施行し,病理検査でcongo red染色で橙赤色のアミロイド沈着を認めた。前駆蛋白から病型を診断したところ,ALアミロイドーシスλ型であったため,全身性アミロイドーシスの有無を精査したが結膜以外の病変はなく,限局性結膜アミロイドーシスと診断した。
Abstract Purpose:We report a case of localized conjunctival amyloidosis requiring differentiation from MALT lymphoma.
Case Presentation:An 82-year-old man presented with grittiness and lacrimation in his left eye. Visual acuity at the first visit was 0.4 both in the right and left eye. A yellow elevated lesion was found in the conjunctival fornix of the left lower eyelid. A pathological examination revealed deposition of amyloid that stains orange-red with congo red staining. No lesions other than the conjunctiva were found, which was judged to be localized conjunctival amyloidosis.
Conclusion:Most reports of amyloidosis in the ophthalmic field are localized. In this case, amyloid deposition on the conjunctival fornix was predominant;therefore, differentiation from MALT lymphoma was required. If amyloidosis is diagnosed, to medically rule out systemic amyloidosis is important.

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