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要約 目的:眼内レンズ(IOL)強膜内固定術後に遷延した毛様体解離に伴い低眼圧黄斑症を発症し,小切開強膜毛様体縫合術が奏効した症例の報告。
症例:58歳,男性。X−3年に右眼IOL亜脱臼に対してIOL摘出術を施行後,X年3月に経毛様体扁平部硝子体切除術および眼内鑷子法によるIOL強膜内固定術を施行した。術中合併症はなく,術後視力は0.3(1.2×()cyl−2.50D 5°)を得たが,術後眼圧は4〜8mmHgで推移した。紹介元にて経過観察するも,低眼圧と歪視が遷延したため強膜内固定術後9か月目のX年12月に再度紹介受診した。再診時の右視力は0.07(0.9×+5.25D()cyl−1.75D 15°),眼圧は8mmHg,光干渉断層計(OCT)にて網脈絡膜皺襞,前眼部OCTで全周性の毛様体解離を認め,同月,強膜毛様体縫合術を行った。手術は2時・4時・8時・10時の4か所に強膜小切開を作製し,毛様体下液を排液後,同部位より6-0バイクリル®糸の針を眼内に穿刺し,幅約3mmで強膜-毛様体-強膜と通糸・結紮し,眼内を18%SF6ガスで置換した。毛様体解離と低眼圧黄斑症は軽快し,術後17か月で視力は0.8(1.5×+1.50D()cyl−1.50D 135°),眼圧は15mmHgであった。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of hypotensive maculopathy due to prolonged ciliary dissection after intraocular lens(IOL)scleral fixation that responded to small incision scleral ciliary suture.
Case:The patient, a 58-year-old man, underwent IOL extraction for subluxation of the IOL in the right eye 3 years before the date of X, followed by pars plana vitrectomy and intrascleral fixation of the IOL using the intraocular forceps technique on the date of X. There were no intraoperative complications. Postoperative visual acuity of 0.3(1.2×()cyl−2.50D 5°)was obtained, and the postoperative intraocular pressure remained at 4-8 mmHg. Because the low intraocular pressure persisted for 8 months postoperatively, the patient experienced anorthopia.
Findings:The right visual acuity was 0.07(0.9×+5.25D()cyl−1.75D 15°), the intraocular pressure was 8 mmHg. Optical coherence tomography(OCT)showed retinal choroidal folds, and anterior OCT showed a circumferential ciliary body dissection. Four small scleral incisions were made at the 2, 4, 8, and 10 o'clock direction 4 mm apart from the corneal limbs, and the subciliary fluid was drained. A 6-0 Vicryl® suture was inserted into the eye from the same site and penetrated the pars plana, and the screla and ciliary body were sutured with a width of approximately 3 mm respectively. Subsequently, the ciliary dissection and hypotensive maculopathy resolved, and the patient had visual acuity of 0.8(1.5×+1.50D()cyl−1.50D 135°)and intraocular pressure of 15 mmHg at 17 months postoperatively.
Conclusion:Ciliary dissection should be noted as a postoperative complication of intrascleral fixation. Small incision scleral ciliary suture plus SF6 gas replacement appears to be a useful treatment.

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