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Anti-AQP4 antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica in an elderly patient treated with intravenous immunoglobulin Serika Moriyama 1 , Ryuya Hashimoto 1 , Hidetaka Masahara 1 , Takatoshi Maeno 1 1Department of Ophthalmology, Toho University Sakura Medical Center pp.1302-1307
Published Date 2022/9/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214510
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Abstract Purpose:Anti-AQP4(aquaporin-4)antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica may be resistant to steroids. This study aimed to report a case of anti-AQP4 antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica in an elderly patient treated with intravenous immunoglobulin(IVIG)therapy.

Case:A 77-year-old female was referred to our hospital due to diplopia and narrowed visual field in the left eye. At the initial visit, the corrected decimal visual acuity was 0.9 in the right eye and 0.04 in the left eye, and the left contralateral reflex was weakened and the relative afferent pupillary defect was positive. The Goldmann visual field test showed horizontal inferior hemianopsia in the left eye as well as visual field defects in the superior temporal region. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)showed a high signal area in the left posterior optic nerve.

Results:We started one course of steroid pulse therapy because of suspecting the posterior optic neuritis at the initial visit, but the visual acuity and visual field did not improve. Twelve days after the onset, anti-AQP4 antibody positivity was confirmed, and MRI showed spinal lesions over three vertebrae, leading to the diagnosis of anti-AQP4 antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica. The cerebrospinal fluid examination showed positive oligoclonal bands(OCB). After IVIG therapy, the patient's visual field did not improve clearly, but corrected decimal visual acuity in the left eye improved slightly to 0.07. Since then, the patient has progressed without recurrence for one year.

Conclusion:IVIG therapy may be an effective treatment for anti-AQP4 antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica with rare features such as old age and OCB positivity.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


