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要約 目的:白内障手術において眼軸長(AL)と角膜屈折力(K値)別に9群に分け,A定数を最適化して眼内レンズ(IOL)度数計算を行い,術後屈折誤差が改善するかを調査した。
対象と方法:対象は2020年2月〜2021年2月に当院で白内障手術を施行した147例255眼。使用IOLはSZ-1(ニデック社),生体計測はIOLMaster® 500(Carl Zeiss Meditec社)で行った。群分けは対象をALでは22mmと26mmを,K値では42Dと46Dを境に9群に分類した。IOL度数計算式はSRK/T式,Barrett Universal Ⅱ式(BUⅡ式)を使用した,A定数はULIB値(119.5),lens factor(2.15),および過去1年半の白内障手術において9群に分類し,各群で最適化したものを用いた。同じIOL度数における予測屈折値を各式で算出した。術後1か月の他覚屈折値を基に自覚屈折値を算出し,それぞれの予測屈折値と比較した。
Abstract Purpose:To report the improvement of postoperative refractive error by optimizing the A constant in nine groups according to ocular axial length(AL)and corneal refractive power(K)in cataract surgery.
Subjects and Methods:This study involved 255 eyes of 147 patients who underwent cataract surgery between February 2020 and February 2021. The eyes were classified into 9 groups based on the boundaries of 22-26 mm for AL and 42-46D for K. The A constants were ULIB(119.5), lens factor(2.15), and the values optimized for each of the 9 groups based on the surgeries performed in the past year and a half. Prospective refraction in the same intraocular lens(IOL)power was calculated by SRK/T and Barrett Universal Ⅱ(BUⅡ)formula. Nine groups were evaluated for subjective refraction 1 month after surgery.
Results:There were significant improvement between the means of refractive error and absolute refractive error 1 month after surgery for the BUⅡformula(AL:22 mm less, K:42-46D), refractive error and absolute refractive error for the SRK/T and BUⅡformula(AL:22-26 mm, K:42D less), refractive error for SRK/T and BUⅡformula(AL:26 mm over, K:42-46D), refractive error and absolute refractive error for the SRK/T formula(AL:26 mm over, K:42D less)(refractive error:t-test, absolute refractive error:Wilcoxon signed rank test). There were also a significant difference in the frequency of coming within±0.25D with the SRK/T formula(AL:22-26 mm, K:42D less)and±0.5D with the BUⅡformula(AL:22 mm less, K:42-46D)(McNemar test).
Conclusions:To reduce refractive error in nonstandard-shaped eyes, it is necessary to optimize the A constant and calculate the power in the nine groups according to AL and K.

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