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要約 目的:超音波水晶体乳化吸引術(PEA)時の角膜内皮細胞保護効果について,分散型粘弾性物質と高分子凝集型粘弾性物質を併用するソフトシェル法と,中分子凝集型粘弾性物質単独使用の場合を比較検討した。
対象と方法:昭和大学横浜市北部病院で2020年4月〜2021年3月において水晶体再建術が施行された症例のうち,エメリー・リトル分類Grade 4以上の症例,角膜内皮細胞減少症例,術中合併症が起こった症例,硝子体手術併用症例を除外した354眼を対象とした。熟練した3人の術者により角膜切開でPEAを行い,130眼でソフトシェル法(以下,ソフトシェル群)を,224眼で中分子凝集型粘弾性物質のみ(以下,中分子単独群)を用いた。術前と術後2か月の角膜内皮細胞の細胞減少率,PEA装置による累積使用エネルギー(CDE)値を測定し,ソフトシェル群と中分子単独群の両群間の比較にはウィルコクソンの順位和検定を用いた。
結果:CDE値はソフトシェル群で高値であり,有意差があった(p<0.0001)。角膜内皮細胞減少率は中分子単独群で有意に高値であった(p=0.0035)。また,エメリー・リトル分類のGrade別で検討すると,Grade 3の症例では角膜内皮細胞減少率は中分子単独群で有意に高値であったが,Grade 2以下の症例において有意差はなかった。
Abstract Objective:We compared the soft-shell technique by a dispersive viscoelastic substance and a cohesive one, and the use of medium molecular cohesive viscoelastic substance alone on corneal endothelial protection during phacoemulsification.
Subjects and Methods:This study included 354 eyes that received cataract surgery at Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital from April 2020 to March 2021, excluding cases of Emery-Little grade 4, corneal endothelial cell reduction, and those associated with intraoperative complications. Three skilled surgeons performed phacoemulsification through a corneal incision, using the soft-shell technique in 130 eyes and using only a medium-molecular cohesive viscoelastic substance in 224 eyes(hereafter referred to as the medium-molecular alone group). We measured the rate of corneal endothelial cell loss preoperatively and two months postoperatively, and the cumulative energy by phacoemulsification. Wilcoxon's rank sum test was used for comparison between the two groups.
Results:CDE values were significantly higher in the soft-shell group(p<0.0001). The rate of corneal endothelial cell loss was significantly higher in the medium-molecule alone group(p=0.0035). When examined by Emery-Little grade, the rate of corneal endothelial cell loss was significantly higher in the medium-molecule alone group with grade 3, but there was no significant difference with grade 2 or lower.
Conclusions:The soft-shell technique was more effective in protecting corneal endothelial cells than with the use of medium molecular cohesive viscoelastic substance alone, in cases with high nuclear sclerosis. We suggest that the soft-shell technique may not be required, in cases with mild nuclear sclerosis.

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