

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Face recognition reception system without hospital cards Yoichi Manabe 1 , Akemi Iwasaki 1 1Otaki Eye Clinic pp.775-778
Published Date 2021/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214016
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Abstract Purpose:To create a system that simplifies the reception work and prevents human error by using a face recognition camera instead of a hospital card.

Method:Using the face recognition camera JVS-AVD01 manufactured by Geovision, we constructed a system that recognizes patient's faces and automatically inputs the reception in electronic medical records. The steps are as follows:①Enter the patient's ID and name using the input software for the face recognition camera installed in the iPad. ②Take some pictures of the patient's face with the iPad and register them. ③When the patient looks at the camera, the camera performs facial recognition. ④Since the face recognition camera and electric medical record are linked, reception of the electronic medical record is automatically completed.

Results:It takes several minutes to register the ID and name, take the picture, and explain the system at the first visit. At the time of re-examination, the reception is possible in a few seconds when the patient looks at the camera. There have been no mistakes to date. Since the camera is stationary, infants need to be lifted to an appropriate position, but authentication is also possible. The photograph taken can also be used with image filing software, and it confirming the identity of the person with a face photograph is easy even in the examination room.

Conclusion:The face recognition camera can be used instead of a hospital card, thus contributing to simplification of the reception work and prevention of human errors.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


