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要約 目的:涙点閉塞を開放する際には,涙点のリングの形跡や血管の走行,眼瞼の形状,左右の形状の比較などから元の涙点を推測する必要がある。今回,上下いずれか片側の涙点閉塞症例に対し,リドカインゼリー(以下,ゼリー)を使用して,閉塞している涙点を膨隆させ,正確に切開する方法を考案した。
症例と方法:72歳女性(症例1),両側上涙点膜様閉塞(開口度分類Grade 1)および73歳女性(症例2),左下の膜様涙点閉塞(開口度分類Grade 1)に対し,涙点膨隆法を用いた涙点切開を施行した。開放している側の涙点を拡張し,拡張した涙点からゼリーを23G血管留置針の外筒を使い0.5mL程度注入する。閉塞している涙点がゼリーで隆起してきた部分を27Gの鋭針で切開する。涙点の膨隆が少ないときは内眼角部を指で圧迫しながらゼリーを注入した。
Abstract Purpose:When releasing a lacrimal punctum obstruction, it is necessary to estimate the original lacrimal punctum based on the traces of the ring of the lacrimal punctum, the running of blood vessels, the shape of the eyelid and a comparison of the shape of the left and right eyelids. In this study, we devised a method of accurately incising the obstructed lacrimal punctum by inflating it with lidocaine jelly(jelly)in cases of lacrimal punctum obstruction on one side of either the upper or lower lacrimal punctum.
Cases and Methods:A 72-year-old woman (Case 1) with bilateral upper lacrimal punctum membranous obstruction(Grade 1 aperture classification)and a 73-year-old woman (Case 2) with left lower membranous lacrimal punctum obstruction(Grade 1 aperture classification)underwent lacrimal punctum incision using the lacrimal punctum inflation technique. The lacrimal punctum on the open side was dilated, and jelly was injected through the dilated lacrimal punctum using the catheter of a 23-gauge vascular indwelling needle. A 27-gauge sharp needle was used to incise the area where the obstructed lacrimal punctum has been raised by the jelly. When the lacrimal punctum was less inflated, jelly was injected while applying pressure to the inner eye angle with a finger.
Results:In Case 1, the lacrimal punctum of right was inflated. The lacrimal punctum of left became partially thin and inflated, and jelly began to leak. In Case 2, the lacrimal punctum was less prominent, and the lacrimal punctum became inflated when jelly was injected while applying finger pressure to the inner eye corner. In all cases, a 27-gauge sharp needle was used to incise the inflated area or the area that had thinned and jelly had leaked out. When the lacrimal punctum was incised, jelly overflowed from the lumen of the lacrimal duct, confirming that the lacrimal punctum could be opened.
Conclusion:In a case of unilateral lacrimal punctum obstruction, the lacrimal punctum could be accurately opened by performing the lacrimal punctum inflation technique.

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