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要約 目的:0.002%オミデネパグイソプロピル点眼液(オミデネパグ)の中期眼圧下降作用と安全性について検討した。
結果:有効性は点眼開始後6か月以上経過を追えた3群(新規群n=62,追加群n=7,変更群n=13)から解析を行い,中止例n=12についても検討した。投与前と6か月後の眼圧は,それぞれ新規群で17.1±2.2,13.9±2.4mmHg,追加群で15.9±3.2,14.1±2.3mmHgであり,有意な眼圧下降が得られた(mixed effect model,p<0.01)が,変更群では有意差はなかった。角膜厚は新規群と変更群で有意に肥厚化した(対応のあるt検定,p<0.05)。中止例のうち,4例はノンレスポンダーと判断したもの,8例は1例の虹彩炎と1例の黄斑浮腫を含む副作用発現症例であり,これらの副作用はすべて点眼中止により軽快した。
Abstract Purpose:To evaluate the medium-term efficacy of 0.002% omidenepag isopropyy ophthalmic solution(Eybelis, omidenepag), respectively, by assessing its intraocular pressure(IOP)-lowering capability and safety in patients with glaucoma.
Patients and Methods:Ninety-four patients who were newly administered EYB were enrolled in the study. Patients continuing omidenepag over 6 months were divided into 3 groups;first administration, addition to existing drugs, and switching group. The following data were retrieved from the medical records and used for retrospective analyses:monthly IOP, spherical equivalent, and central corneal thickness. Patients were monitored for adverse reactions.
Results:IOP at baseline and after 6 months was 17.1±2.2 and 13.9±2.4 mmHg in the first group, 15.9±3.2 mmHg and 14.1±2.3 mmHg in the additional group, respectively. There were significant decreases in IOP in the first and additional groups(mixed effect model, p<0.01), but none in the switching group. The central corneal thickness was significantly thickened in the first and switching groups(paired t-test, p<0.05). Four patients were non-responders. Although adverse reactions occurred in 8 patients, including iritis and macular edema in 1 patient each, these recovered by the end of Omidenepag.
Conclusion:Omidenepag was effective in reducing IOP over a 6 month period. Omidenepag was well-tolerated and could be a first-line drug for treating phakic glaucomatous patients.

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