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要約 目的:左右差のある格子状角膜ジストロフィにしては前眼部所見が比較的重篤で,遺伝子検査にてTGFBI遺伝子のp.(L527R)変異が原因と認められた1例の報告。
症例:78歳,男性。近医での右眼水晶体再建術後,視力改善が乏しいことを主訴に複数の眼科を受診するも,経過に納得ができず,総合病院眼科を受診した。右眼優位に格子状の角膜混濁が認められ,精査加療目的に当科を紹介された。初診時視力は右(0.7),左(0.8)で,右眼に格子状角膜混濁を認め,左眼の角膜実質深層にもごく軽度の混濁を認めた。右眼は眼内レンズ挿入眼,左眼は核白内障grade 2程度(Emery-Little分類)を認めた。左右差のある格子状角膜混濁につき,TGFBI遺伝子のp.(L527R)変異の可能性が疑われたため,十分なインフォームドコンセントによる同意を得たうえで,末梢血を用いて遺伝子検査を施行した。本研究は浜松医科大学臨床研究倫理委員会の承認を得ている。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of lattice corneal dystrophy with binocular asymmetric corneal opacity in which genetic testing revealed heterozygous p.(L527R)mutation of TGFBI gene.
Case:A 78-year-old man arrived at a general hospital with the chief complaint of poor improvement in visual acuity after undergoing right eye lens reconstruction at a nearby ophthalmology clinic. Despite consulting multiple ophthalmology clinics, the patient had not received a satisfactory response. At presentation, the patient's visual acuity was 0.7 in the right eye and 0.8 in the left eye, with lattice corneal opacity of the right eye and very slight opacity in the deep corneal stromal layer of the left eye. Intraocular lens implantation was performed for the right eye, while grade 2 nuclear cataract was observed for the left eye. As a case of binocular asymmetric lattice corneal opacity, there was a possibility of the corneal dystrophy due to heterozygous p.(L527R)mutation in the TGFBI gene. Therefore, genetic testing was performed using peripheral blood.
Results:We identified heterozygous p.(L527R)mutation of TGFBI gene.
Conclusion:The TGFBI gene p.(L527R)mutation is relatively mild and rarely causes vision loss, but is thought to cause vision loss in the elderly.

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