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要約 目的:糖尿病により著明な高血糖をきたし,急速に過熟白内障に至った2症例を報告する。
症例:症例1は48歳,男性。数日前からの視力低下を主訴に来院した。矯正視力は右0.1,左0.04であり,両眼に高度の皮質混濁,前囊下混濁を認めた。血糖375mg/dl,HbA1c 16.6%であり,内科で血糖管理を行い,翌週に白内障手術を施行した。手術時はさらに白内障が進行していた。術後視力は右1.2,左1.0であった。症例2は50歳,女性。体調不良で近医内科を受診し,血糖906mg/dl,HbA1c 19.2%,糖尿病ケトアシドーシスで当院内科に入院した。1か月前から視力低下があり,当科受診時の矯正視力は右0.05,左0.6であった。右眼に著明な皮質混濁,膨化白内障を認めた。両眼とも狭隅角であり,翌週に白内障手術を施行した。手術時は両眼とも過熟白内障で,視力は眼前手動弁であった。術後視力は右1.2,左1.2であった。2症例とも眼底は正常であった。
Abstract Purpose:To report 2 diabetic patients who showed rapid progression to hypermature cataract.
Cases:One was a male and the other was a female. They were aged 48 and 50 years respectively. The male patient noted blurred vision since 6 months before. Visual acuity was 0.1 right and 0.04 left. Both eyes showed advanced opacity in the cortex and subcortical area. Blood sugar level was 375 mg/dl with HbA1c of 16.6%. Cataract had further advanced when surgery was made one week later. The female patient had noted poor health since one months before. She had been diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis one month before when blood sugar was found to be 906 mg/dl with HbA1c of 19.2%. Visual acuity was 0.05 right and 0.6 left. Both eyes showed opacified cortex. When cataract surgery was performed one week later, the left visual acuity was counting fingers. The fundus was free of diabetic retinopathy after surgery in both cases.
Conclusion:Both cases illustrate that cataract may rapidly progress when advanced diabetes mellitus has remained unnoticed in presenile adults.

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