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要約 目的:未熟児網膜症(ROP)における網膜光凝固の斜視および弱視への影響の検討。
Abstract Purpose:To report the incidence of strabismus and amblyopia as related to retinal photocoagulation for retinopathy of prematurity(ROP).
Cases and Method:A total of 402 newborn babies were diagnosed with retinopathy of prematurity during 10 years through 2015. This retrospective study was made on 46 cases who were followed up for 3 years or longer regarding the outcome of ROP. The series comprised 17 male and 29 female babies. They were born after gestation averaging 27.3±2.3 weeks and weighed 962±335 g at birth. Photocoagulation was performed, when needed, on both eyes using green laser with wavelength of 514 nm. Seventeen cases(34 eyes)received no photocoagulation, 18 cases(36 eyes)received 180-degree photocoagulation, and 11 cases(22 eyes)received 360-degree photocoagulation.
Results:Incidence of strabismus was 41% in eyes that received no photocoagulation, 22% in eyes that received 180-degree photocoagulation, and 36% that received 360-degree photocoagulation. Incidence of amblyopia was 23.5%, 16.7% and 9.1% in the same order. There were no significant differences among the 3 groups regarding the incidence of strabismus or amblyopia.
Conclusion:Retinal photocoagulation did not influence the incidence of strabismus or amblyopia in the cicatricial stage of ROP.
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