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要約 目的:黄斑色素スクリーナー(MPS2)で測定した健常眼と中心性漿液性網脈絡膜症(CSC)の黄斑色素光学密度の報告。対象と方法:CSCのある16例16眼を対象とした。男性14例,女性2例で,平均年齢は55歳であった。CSCがない僚眼16眼と,健常な127例231眼の計247眼を対照とした。結果:対照眼での黄斑色素光学密度は,平均0.64±0.14で,年齢と屈折値には相関がなく,女性よりも男性が高かった(p<0.05)。CSCの罹患眼での黄斑色素光学密度は,中心窩網膜厚と正の相関があり(R2=0.53),中心窩網膜厚が薄いほど黄斑色素光学密度が低下した。結論:健常眼での黄斑色素光学密度は,年齢とは相関しなかった。CSC眼での黄斑色素光学密度は,対照眼または僚眼よりも有意に低く,慢性化したCSC眼でこの傾向が顕著であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report optical density of macular pigment in eyes with or without central serous chorioretinopathy(CSC). Cases and Method:This study was made on 16 eyes of 16 cases with CSC. The series comprised 14 males and 2 females. The age averaged 55 years. Optical density of macular pigment was measured using a macular pigment screener(MPS2). Findings were compared with those in 247 eyes that comprised 16 fellow eyes of CSC and 231 eyes of 127 healthy persons. Results:Optical density of macular pigment in healthy eyes averaged 0.64±0.14. The value was not correlated with age or refraction. It was significantly higher in males than females(p<0.05). Optical density of macular pigment in eyes with CSC was positively correlated with foveal retinal thickness(R2=0.53). It was lower in eyes with decrease in foveal retinal thickness. Conclusion:Optical density of macular pigment in healthy eyes showed no correlation with age. It was significantly lower in control or fellow eyes. This tendency was more manifest in chronic CSC.

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