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要約 目的:家族性滲出性硝子体網膜症(FEVR)で,初診の19年後に網膜の滲出性変化が新たに生じた症例を報告する。症例:35歳,女性。5歳より左眼FEVRのため他施設で経過観察されていた。14歳時に当科に紹介された。初診時,眼底周辺ほぼ全周わたる網膜前線維性組織とその周辺部に無血管野を認めた。硝子体による網膜牽引の進行があり,光凝固と輪状締結術を施行,経過は良好であった。しかし,初診19年後(輪状締結13年後)に網膜新生血管,黄斑浮腫,その耳側に硬性白斑と網膜の浮腫性混濁がみられた。血管アーケード外への広範囲な網膜光凝固と黄斑耳側への光凝固を施行し,網膜新生血管縮小と硬性白斑および網膜混濁が消失した。結論:FEVRでは10年以上の長期経過の中では黄斑浮腫を生じる滲出性変化が新たに起こりうる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of familial exudative vitreoretinopathy(FEVR)who developed macular edema after an interval of 19 years. Case:A 35-year-old female had been followed up elsewhere for FEVR in the left eye since the age of 5 years. She had been seen by us at the age of 14 years. The left eye showed avascular retinal area bordered posteriorly by preretinal fibrous tissue along the whole circumference. Scleral encircling with photocoagulation had been performed for traction retinal detachment. Nineteen years after her initial visit, or 13 years after retinal detachment surgery, the left eye showed retinal neovascularization and macular edema surrounded by hard exudates. Photocoagulation peripheral to the vascular arcades and temporal to the macula was followed by diminution of neovascularization and hard exudates. Conclusion:The present case of FEVR illustrates that macular edema may develop after an interval of 10 years.

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