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要約 目的:角膜混濁と強度近視のある白内障に,超音波乳化吸引術と眼内レンズ挿入術を両眼に行い,片眼に強膜炎が生じた症例の報告。症例:78歳女性が両眼の視力低下で受診した。トラコーマの既往があった。所見と経過:初診時の矯正視力は両眼0.08で,白内障以外に角膜混濁と強度近視を認めた。眼軸長は右29.82mm,左29.88mmであった。術中に両眼とも合併症はなかった。左眼の術後3週目に,眼痛を伴う強膜炎を生じたが,視力の低下はなかった。結膜縫合糸を除去し,ステロイドと抗菌薬の点眼は継続した。約8週間後に,強膜炎は改善した。その後5年6か月,再発はない。結論:本症例での術後強膜炎は,重篤な合併症にはならなかった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report temporary scleritis after uneventful phacoemulsification in a patient with opaque cornea and high myopia. Case:A 78-year-old woman presented with reduced vision in both eyes. She had reportedly trachoma during childhood. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.08 in either eye. She showed cataract, corneal opacity and high myopia in both eyes. Axial length was 29.82 mm right and 29.88 mm left. Both eyes underwent phacoemulsification with intraocular lens insertion with no complications. Scleritis developed in the left eye 3 weeks after surgery without affecting visual acuity. Scleritis disappeared 8 weeks after removal of virgin silk sutures and topical corticosteroid. There has been no recurrence for 5 years until present. Conclusion:This case illustrates that scleritis may develop after cataract surgery in an eye with opaque cornea and high myopia. Multiple factors are suspected to be present in scleritis after cataract surgery.

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