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He-Neレーザー散乱光強度測定装置を試作,応用し,種々の濃度のウシ血清アルブミン溶液およびヒト血漿希釈溶液を用いたin vitroの実験,および人工水晶体移植術後の前房蛋白の経時的変化を検討した.アルブミン溶液では0.1mg/mlから100mg/ml,血漿希釈液では1/400から1/10の範囲で蛋白濃度と散乱光強度との間に高い直線性が認められた.術後の前房蛋白測定では,経時的に前房蛋白の減少する経過を詳細に捉えることが可能であった.また,本装置で測定した前房からの散乱光強度とフルオロフォトメトリーによる血液房水柵透過性指標との間に正の有意の相関を認めた.
We evaluated the postoperative course of intraocular lens implantation by applying a newly developed laser scan slitlamp to quantitate the aqueous flare. The instrument comprised of He-Ne laser, slitlamp biomicroscope, digital photomulti-plier and computer. The laser beam was 632.8 nm in wavelength, 0.12 mW in power, and 17×12μm when focused in the air. During actual measurement, the laser beam was focused at the center of the anterior chamber. The intensity of aqueous flare, or the scattered laser beam from the aqueous, was expres-sed as photon counts per 500 μsec. Experiments using bovine albumin solution and diluted human plasma showed excellent linear relationship between the photon counts and the concentration ofthe protein in the solution. In a series of 21 eyes that underwent uneventful posterior chamber lens implantation, the aqueous flare was 8.58+4.01 counts on the first postopera-tive day, to decrease gradually to 2.85+0.50 counts on the 28th.
Fluorophotometery was performed on the 6th postoperative day to evaluate the blood-aqueous barrier. The permeability coefficient was defined as Fa/Fp (%), in which Fa stands for fluorescein concentration in the anterior chamber 30 min after injection, and Fp for concentration of unbound fluorescein in the plasma. The intensity of scattered laser beam in the anterior chamber was positively correlated with the Fa/Fp values (r = 0.65, p< 0.0001).
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 41(7) : 791-796, 1987

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.