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片眼無水晶体症106例について,眼鏡矯正時,コンタクトレンズ矯正時IOL移植眼の各々の不等像視をsynoptophore slideを用いて測定した.
CL矯正時は平均+4.57%,IOL移植眼では平均+1.25%の不等像視を示した.不等像視の大小と視力の良否がstereo acuity,特にrandom dotstereogramの成績に影響すると思われた.
We evaluated the state of aniseikonia in 106 cases with unilateral aphakia by means of synoptophore slides. The aphakia was either corrected with ordi-nary glasses, contact lens, or posterior chamber lens implantation.
When corrected with ordinary glasses, the anisei-konia amounted to 24% and over. The aniseikonia averaged +4.75% when corrected with contact lens and +1.25% when corrected with posterior chamber lens.
The amount of aniseikonia and the visual acuity were major determining factors for stereoscopic visual acuity, particularly when tested by random dot stereogram.

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