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頭頸部損傷患者の後遺症としての調節障害は,従来の自覚的な調節機能検査では有意な異常所見を見出せず,その程度を容易に把握することが困難であったが,調節の準静的特性,すなわち連続的にAr/As (調節反応量)を記録する方法を用いて検査することで,本障害の程度が容易に捉えられ,次の4型に他覚的に分類できた.
We evaluated a series of 22 patients after head-neck blung injury with particular regard to the state of accommodation. The ages of the patients ranged from 20 to 35 years. We performed direct on-line recordings of accommodative stimulus (AS) versus accommodative response (AR).
The cases were divided into four groups accord-ing to the abnormalities in accommodative func-tion. (1) Normal response group. Accommodative response was normal at all target velocities. (2) Slightly abnormal response group. The accom-modative response was normal at 0.2D (diopter) per second but was abnormal at higher velocities. Accom-modative response showed abnormal pattern at 0.2D/sec. (4) Highly abnormal response group. Accommodative response was non-recordable at the velocity of 0.2D/sec.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 41(7) : 785-789, 1987

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.