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症例は全身的には全く異常を認めない17歳の女性である.患眼には,全周性の先天性ぶどう膜外反,周辺部虹彩実質の萎縮,anterior iris inser-tionという特徴的な隅角,そして隅角形成不全緑内障を認めた.眼圧に関しては,現在まで点眼で良好に保たれている.角膜内皮細胞は,specularmicroscopeによる検査で異常がなかった.
鑑別疾患として重要なIridocorneal endothe-lial syndromeやAxenfeld-Rieger syndromeと同様に,本疾患はその原因としてneural crestの発生異常が考えられた.
A 17-year-old female presented with congenital ectropion of the uvea, stromal iris atrophy, anterior insertion of the iris root and goniodysgenesis glau-coma in her right eye. The corneal endothelium was normal when seen by specular microscopy.
It seemed that developmental anomalies of theneural crest led to the various clinical features in this patient. This state should be differentiated from iridocorneal endothelial syndrome and Axen-feld-Rieger syndrome.
Congenital ectropion of the uvea is readily recog-nized and should alert to the necessity of careful follow-up for early recognition of glaucoma.

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