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左右眼で隅角所見及び重症度の著しく異なったAxenfeld-Rieger syndromeの1例を報告した.また左眼に対しては隅角部の病理組織学的検索を行った.
症例 は16歳の女性で,前方偏位し突出したシュワルベ線,虹彩実質の萎縮が両眼に認められた.隅角では右眼にはシュワルベ線に達するirisstrandが全周に認められたが,左眼ではirisstrandはほとんど認められなかった.しかし右眼の眼圧上昇は軽度であったのに対し,左眼では著明な眼圧上昇とそれによる重篤な視機能障害が認められた.薬物療法による左眼の眼圧コントロールが困難なためtrabeculectomyを行った.
A 16-year-old female presented with Axenfeld -Rieger syndrome with marked differences in gonioscopic findings and severity of glaucoma between either eye.
Both eyes manifested anteriorly displaced ring of Schwalbe and hypoplasia of the anteior iris stroma. Gonioscopy showed iris strands bridging the angle in all the quadrants in the right eye with slightlyelevated intraocular pressure. Iris strands were almost absent in the left eye with severe glaucoma, pronounced optic nerve head damage and visual loss. Trabeculectomy became necessary in the left eye because of intractable glaucoma.
Light and electron microscopic studies of the excised tissue showed absent canal of Schlemm and hypoplasia of the trabecular meshwork. It appeared that the glaucoma in this syndrome was due to maldevelopment of the aqueous outflow system.
Rinsho Ganka (Jon J Clin Ophthalmol) 42 (7) : 819-812, 1988

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.