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A 44-year-old male presented with advanced open-angle glaucoma, moderate posterior subcapsular cata-ract and recurrent bullous keratopathy bilaterally. Because of photodermatitis, the patient had been apply-ing corticosteroid cream or ointment to his exposed skin areas, particularly the face and the periorbital region, for the past 10 years. While the elevated intraocular pressure was controlled by filtering surgery, the cataract started to rapidly progress after he was prescribed clobetasol 17-propionate, a potent corticos-teroid, for his skin condition.
While his pituitary-adrenal system was severe sup-pressed, the serum cortisol level returned to normal 40 days after discontinuation of topical corticosteroid. He manifested no other systemic complications due to corticosteroid such as moon face, buffalo appearance, acne or striae of the skin. The ocular complications seemed to be induced through absorption of corticosteroid through the cor-nea, since the photodermatitis was more severe in his right periorbital region than the left and the eye mani-festations were also in a more advanced state in the right eye than the left.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Chn Ophthalmol) 40(12) : 1345-1349, 1986

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