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4例の外傷性外転神経麻痺患者に対し,新しい眼筋移植手術法であるadjustabletransposition procedure (Carlson & Jampolsky)を試みた。受傷後7ヵ月以上経過した時点で体法を施行し,術後は6ヵ月から3年にわたる経過観察で以下の結果を得た。
(2)衝動運動,滑動性追従運動ともに術後は改善を示したが,完全なconjugate move—mentではなかった。
(4) sensory statusの面では.4例中3例に融像と立体視機能が得られ,第1眼位のみであるが両眼単一視も可能となった。
A new operative method of muscle transplanta-tion, 'adjustable transposition procedure' (Carlson & Jampolsky), was applied to four patienrs with traumatic abducent nerve palsy and evaluated as to its postoperative effects. Average improvements of eye position and abduction range were 73.3±19.8 prism diopters and 24.2±8.0 degrees respectively. Both saccadic and pursuit movements showed re-markable postoperative improvements, while con-jugate movement showed lesser response. Among the four cases, postoperative vertical deviation develop-ed in two cases, one of which showed cyclo-devia-lion too.

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