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(1)糖尿病性網膜症の経過は3期に分けられる。[期ではRPCs領を含む後極部毛細血管の拡張と著明な透過性亢進による著明な浮腫,並びに線状出血が急激に出現する。II期は限局性血管床閉塞,intraretinal micro vascular abnormalities (IRMA)を伴う前増殖.型所見が出現する時期で,III期は増殖型である。
(2) I期発症からIII期への進行は急激であり,光凝固無効例が多い。
(3) I期発症は長期未治療患者で急激な血糖下降治療開始を契機とする例が多い。
Eight patients with diabetes mellitus manifested unusual acute diabetic retinopathy.The diabetes was non-insulin-dependent in 7 patients and insulin-dependent in 1. Their ages ranged from 27 to 56 years (average : 47 years). Initially, the fundus was normal in 1 patients. Microaneurysms were the chief finding in 2 and occasional microaneurysms with a few intraretinal hemorrhages were present in 5 patients.
Acute retinopathy started to progress during con-ventional therapy for diabetes in 2 and followed an episode of severe underinsulinization in 6 patients.

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