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optic disc vasculitis1)などと称される一連の疾患は,若年者の片眼に乳頭浮腫様あるいは中心静脈閉塞症様の所見を呈することで知られている。今回私たちは,乳頭血管炎と思われる軽症と重症の2症例を経験し,螢光眼底撮影にて検査し,特に重症例は眼摘後,病理組織学的検索を行なう機会に恵まれたので,主としてそれらの所見について述べる。
Mild and severe optic disc vasculitis arereported. Fluorescein angiography showed leak-age of the dye from the superficial capillaries on the surface of the optic disc, main retinal veins and retinal capillaries. In mild case, microaneurysms of the superficial capillaries on the optic disc were recognized in fluorescein angiographs. Histopathologically, in the papil-lary vessels of the prelaminar region, remark-able hyalinization of the vessel wall and occlusion of the lumen were seen in severe case. On the surface of the optic disc, neova-scularization was observed remarkably.

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