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黄斑部疾患については多数の報告があり,その大部分は網脈絡膜病変で,網膜内面の変化による疾患の報告は少ない。網膜剥離手術後等の黄斑部皺襞形成(macular packer, Sternfalten-reti—nitis等)はよく知られているが,黄斑部網膜内境界膜収縮による特発的網膜皺襞形成,いわゆるcellophane maculopathyについては, Mau—menee, Jaffe, Gloor等の報告が散見されるが,本邦ではまだ関心が薄いようである。
This report was made of eleven cases of ma-cular dysfunction caused by contraction of the vitreoretinal interface, so-called "cellophane ma-culopathy" (Gass 1970). This maculopathy was classified into three grades by the findings of fluorescein fundus angiography, slitlamp fundus examination and subjective symptoms.
Grade 1: Only small parafoveal lesions of sli-ghtly fine wrinkles of the inner retinal layer showing cellophane-like reflex are revealed without any symptoms. Fluorescein fundus angiography shows normal findings.

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