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Subtraction methodは放射線科領域で発展し,すでにColor Subtraction methodも広く応用されているが,螢光眼底写真への応用は,まだSimple Subtraction methodにとどまつている1)2)。
螢光眼底写真はレントゲン造影写真と異なり,陽画で,漏出,偽螢光,背景螢光等,多彩な変化が多く,また血管も毛細血管に至るまでの観察がなされ,経時的変化も重要で,そのColor Subt—raction methodの目的とするところも,放射線科領域のそれと若干異なる。
A substraction method was devised for fluo-rescein fundus angiograms using color photogr-aph. In order to compare the fluorescein angio-grams belonging to two different phases, usually arterial and venous ones, the negative film were printed on positive color film through orange (SO 56) and green (YG) filters respectively as superimposition.
The present color subtraction method has the same advantages as the ordinary B & W sub-traction method. The method facilitates a con-venient comparison of fluorescein angiorams belonging to two different phases of the same eye.
Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.