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緑内障の治療に日常用いられるピロカルピンならびにl—エピネフリン点眼液は,その作用機序が異なるため,それぞれ眼圧下降剤として長所,短所がある。そこでお互いの長短を相補う目的で,両者の併用が考えられ,すでに臨床的にも実用の段階に入つている(Becker et al1),中島12),岸本ら2),船橋3))。
Epicarpine eyedrops, which contain 1% l-epi-nephrine and 1% pilocarpine, were topically applied to 23 cases of glaucoma consisting of simple glaucoma (18 eyes), operated glaucoma (1 eye), secondary glaucoma (2 eyes), and absolute glaucoma (2 eyes).
1. Ocular tension was successfully controlled by Epicarpine alone in eyes of simple glauco-ma, while supplementary use of Diamox was necessary in further 2 eyes. Control of tension could not be achieved in 3 eyes.
In cases of operated glaucoma (1 eye) and secondary glaucoma (2 eyes), control of ten-sion was achieved by Epicarpine.
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