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Edrophonium chlorideは筋弛緩剤Curareの拮抗剤で,米国ではTensilon,わが国ではAntirexの名で知られている。静脈内注射として用いられるが,効果発現が迅速で,持続が短い特性があり,主として筋無力症の診断,薬用量の適否,myasthenic crisisの迅速診断などに応用されている。
The intravenous administration of 10mg An-tirex (Tensilon) during tonography was per-formed on a group of 12 myasthenic patients and 9 control persons, including oculomotorius parese, traumatic ptosis, ophthalmoplegic my-graine and normal persons.
The myasthenic group uniformly responded with transient increasis of intraocular pressure. No response was observed on the control group. After average 22 seconds of administ-ration the intraocular pressure raised steeply, the average raise was 3.6 mmHg, then decreased slowly and returned to original tonogram curve in 46 seconds.

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