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従来緑内障に対する手術が,数多く施行されその報告がなされているが,1958年,ScheieがRet—ractiorl of scleral wound edges as a fistu—lizing Procedure (Peripheral iridectomy withscleral cautery)として,広く一般に施行されつっあるが,我々も若干の症例を経験し得たので,その成積を眼圧効果,即ち眼圧調整の良否を中心として,合併症,濾過瘢痕,房水流出率(C値)の変動について,比較検討した結果を報告する。
Peripheral iridecctomy with scleral cautery for glaucoma was done upon 36 eyes with various primary glaucoma and secondary glau-coma.
The results obtained upon ocular tension, filtering bleb, and facility of outflow were as follows:
1) The ocular tension was controlled in 88-9% of all 36eyes : in 90.5% of 21 eyes with na-rrow angle glaucoma, in 85.7% of 14 eyes with chronic simple glaucoma.
2) On late observation ( 6 months to 2.5 years after the surgery), the ocular tension was controlled in 73.6% of 19 eyes of which one case was reoperated on by the same method.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.