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脈なし病は,1908年,高安氏の第1例以来,繰り返し報告され,近年に到つてもかえつて多くの人の注目をひいている様である。欧米ではaorticarch syndromeの概念のもとに精細な論文が発表されている。私共の結果は,それに屋上屋を重ねるに止るが,5例の初期像と思われる眼底所見を観察し,特に症例4,5では典型的な眼底変化に到つた例であつたので,それらについて述べたい。
In the present report, 5 cases of pulseless disease were demonstrated with their ocular funsus findings in the early stage.
1. The five cases consisted of 2 male and 3 female cases, the age ranged from the twenties (3 cases) to the thirties (2 cases). At the first examinations, microaneurysms (1 case), microaneurysms and vascularization (2 cases), anastomoses and microaneurysms (2 cases) were observed, and one case showed the atrophy of the optic disk on the left eye and optic disk atrophy associated with the peripheral yellowish edema on the right eye.

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