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1)一般にECG (—)のとき,CAPはN-Ret(41mmHg)>Ret (35.6mmHg)で,5mmHg程度の差があるが,40mmHg以下の問題である。ECG (+)のとき.Ret (44.9mmHg)>N-Ret (41.75mmHg)で,Retは3mmHg位高いが,大体ECG (+)ではRetが高く,45mrnHg程度である。N-RetはECGの変化に関せずCAPは40mmHg位で高くない。反之,RetはECG (—)35.6mmHg→ECG (+)45mmHgで,ECG(+)になると10mmHg位CAPが高くなり,45mmHg辺によつてくる(第1表)。
Studies were conducted to clarify the po-ssible correlation among the serum total cho-lesterol level, systemic blood pressure and central arterial pressure of the retina (CAP) in diabetics, with due reference to ECG fin-dings and the presence of retinopathies.
1) The diastolic CAP value it non-retino-pathic subjects ranged around 40mmHg, al-most independent upon ECG findings. The rise in serum cholesterol did not influence the CAP level.

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