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1.全身血圧(Min)の糖尿病における分布は70-80mmHg,糖尿病性網膜症(Ret diab)では80-90mmHgにピークがあり,平均的にはRet (90.4mmHg),Non. Ret (82.93mmHg)である(第1図,第2表)。
CAP (Min)の分布は,糖尿病では40mmHgにRetでは35mmHgにピークがある。(第2図,第3表)
We have followed up the relation between minimum systemic blood pressure and mini-mum central arterial blood pressure of the retina (CAP) in 571 eyes of the diabetics.
The results were as follows:
1) The peak of minimum systemic blood pressure distribution in retinopathia diabeticawas 70- 80mmHg (14.9%) and in non-retino-pathia diab-tica 80-90mmHg (61.4%).
2) The peak of minimum CAP distribution in ret.diab. was 35mmHg (20%), and in non-ret. diab. was 40mmHg (21.6%).
3) The ratio of hypertension in the mini-mum systemic bloodpressure was in ret. diab. 47% and in non-ret.

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