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要約 目的:ブリンゾラミド点眼液からブリモニジン点眼液への変更による安全性と有効性の報告。対象と方法:対象は3か月以上ブリンゾラミド点眼液を使用中の患者16例16眼(男性8例,女性8例,平均年齢77.1±8.8歳)で,ブリンゾラミド点眼液からブリモニジン点眼液にウォッシュアウト期間を設けず変更し,眼圧,血圧,脈拍数,角膜スコア,充血スコア,瘙痒感スコアを変更前,変更1か月後,3か月後,6か月後で検討した。結果:ブリモニジン点眼液に変更前の平均眼圧16.3±3.7mmHgが,変更1か月後12.9±3.5mmHg,3か月後12.6±3.4mmHg,6か月後13.9±3.6mmHgで,各時点で有意に下降した。副作用に関しては変更3か月後に脈拍数が減少したが,臨床上問題となるものはなかった。結論:ブリンゾラミド点眼液からブリモニジン点眼液への変更により眼圧は有意に下降し,脈拍数が減少したが,臨床上問題となる副作用はなかった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the efficacy and safety of switching from brinzolamide 1% to brimonidine 0.1%. Methods:Patients on brinzolamide 1% were switched to brimonidine 0.1% without washout and fo-llowed-up for 6 months. Intraocular pressure(IOP), blood pressure, pulse rate, ocular surface damage, conjun-ctival injection and itching were checked at months 1, 3, and 6. Results:After 6 months of brimonidine 0.1% switching treatment, brimonidine 0.1% significantly reduced IOP all observation times. No statistical difference in blood pressure was found all observation times. Statistical difference in pulse rate was found after 3 months of brimonidine purite 0.1% switching treatment. No statistical difference in ocular surface damage, conjunctival injection and itching were found all observation times. Conclusion:Switching from brinzolamide 1% to brimonidine purite 0.1% was tolerated, effective and induced additive IOP reduction.
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