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要約 目的:プロスタグランジン関連薬で治療中の緑内障患者に,2剤目としてブリモニジン点眼を追加したときの効果と副作用についての報告。対象と方法:3か月以上プロスタグランジン関連薬で治療中の緑内障患者17例17眼を対象とした。男性4例,女性13例で,年齢は38~86歳,平均76歳である。0.1%ブリモニジン点眼を追加し,1か月と3か月後に眼圧,血圧,脈拍数を測定した。結果:ブリモニジン開始前の平均眼圧は12.2±2.9mmHg,1か月後は10.1±2.0mmHg(p=0.002),3か月後は9.7±1.8mmHg(p=0.003)と,いずれも有意に低下した。全身の拡張期血圧は追加点眼開始1か月後に有意に下降したが,自覚症状はなかった。3か月の観察期間中に点眼中止を必要とした症例はなかった。結論:プロスタグランジン関連薬で治療中の緑内障患者へのブリモニジン点眼追加により,さらなる眼圧下降効果が得られ,重大な副作用はなかった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the effect of brimonidine ophthalmic solution added to topical treatment with prostaglandin analogue. Cases and Method:This prospective study was made on 17 eyes of 17 patients who were being treated by topical prostaglandin analogue for 3 months or longer. The series comprised 4 males and 13 females. The age ranged from 38 to 86 years, average 76 years. They started receiving 0.1% brimonidine additionally. Intraocular pressure(IOP), blood pressure and pulse rate were checked after one and 3 months of treatment. Results:IOP averaged 12.2±2.9 mmHg before additional treatment, 10.1±2.0 mmHg(p=0.002)after one month, and 9.7±1.8 mmHg(p=0.003)after 3 months. IOP thus decreased significantly after additional treatment. Diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly after one month of treatment without subjective symptoms. No case needed discontinuation of brimonidine during 3 months of observation. Conclusion:Brimonidine ophthalmic solution added to topical treatment with prostaglandin analogue induced further decrease in IOP without severe side effects.

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