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要約 目的:緑内障に対する選択的レーザー線維柱帯形成術の長期成績の報告。対象と方法:選択的レーザー線維柱帯形成術を行った62例87眼を対象とした。男性55眼,女性32眼で,年齢は39~83歳,平均65歳である。原発開放隅角緑内障が71眼,落屑緑内障が16眼,術前の緑内障点眼数は平均3.1剤であった。術前の平均眼圧は21.4±5.0mmHgであった。術後の経過を少なくとも6か月,平均33.6か月追跡した。結果:平均眼圧は,術後6,12,24,36,48,60か月すべての時点で術前値よりも有意に下降した(p<0.001)。重篤な副作用はなかった。結論:緑内障に対する選択的レーザー線維柱帯形成術は安全で,6か月以上の期間,有意に眼圧が下降した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the long-term outcome of selective laser trabeculoplasty(SLT)for glaucoma. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 87 eyes of 62 cases treated by SLT. The series comprised 55 male and 32 female eyes. The age ranged from 39 to 83 years, average 65 years. Primary open-angle glaucoma was present in 71 eyes and exfoliative glaucoma in 16 eyes. They were receiving an average of 3.1 medications. Intraocular pressure(IOP)averaged 21.4±5.0 mmHg before SLT. They were followed up for 6 months at last and for an average of 33.6 months after SLT. Results:Averaged IOP was significantly lower than IOP before SLT at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months after treatment(p<0.001). There was no serious complication throughout. Conclusion:IOP decreased significantly for 6 months or longer after SLT.

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