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要約 目的:選択的レーザー線維柱帯形成術の半周照射と全周照射による眼圧下降効果の比較。対象と方法:選択的レーザー線維柱帯形成術を行った緑内障20眼を対象とした。内訳は原発開放隅角緑内障15眼と落屑緑内障5眼である。10眼には半周照射,他の10眼には全周照射を行った。術後の眼圧は,治療1,2,3,6か月後に測定した。結果:半周照射群での眼圧は,術前21.2±3.3mmHg,術6か月後18.0±1.9mmHgであった。全周照射群での眼圧は,術前22.6±4.1mmHg,術6か月後15.0±2.9mmHgであった。全周群では半周群よりも,術後2,3,6か月の眼圧が有意に低かった。結論:選択的レーザー線維柱帯形成術による眼圧下降効果は,半周照射よりも全周照射のほうが大きい。
Abstract. Purpose:To compare the outcome of selective laser trabeculoplasty applied to 180°or 360°of chamber angle. Cases and Method:This prospective study was made on 20 consecutive eyes that received selective laser trabeculoplasty. The series comprised 15 eyes of primary open-angle glaucoma and 5 eyes of capsular glaucoma. Laser trabeculoplasty was applied to 180°and 360°of chamber angle of 10 eyes each. Intraocular pressure(IOP)was measured 1, 2, 3 and 6 months after treatment. Results:IOP in 180°group averaged 21.2±3.3mmHg before and 18.0±1.9mmHg 6 months after treatment. IOP in 360°group averaged 22.6±4.1mmHg before and 15.0±2.9mmHg 6 months after treatment. IOP in 360°group 2, 3 and 6 months after treatment was significantly lower than that in 180°group. Conclusion:Following selective laser trabeculoplasty, hypotensive effect is greater by treating 360°of chamber angle than 180°.

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