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要約 目的:ステロイド緑内障に対する選択的レーザー線維柱帯形成術(SLT)の効果の報告。症例:ステロイドの全身投与によるステロイド緑内障7例7眼の隅角全周にSLTを行った。男性5例,女性2例で,年齢は56~72歳(平均64歳)である。ステロイドの投薬期間は11.3±3.5年で,投与開始から6.1±3.1年後から眼圧が上昇し,2.9±0.6剤の抗緑内障薬を点滴していた。SLTを行った後も点眼治療とステロイド内服は継続した。結果:平均眼圧(mmHg)は,術前26.6±5.3,SLT1か月後20.3±3.1,3か月後17.7±2.4,6か月後16.2±1.3であった。いずれの時点でも,術前に比べて眼圧は有意に低かった。結論:SLTはステロイドの全身投与に続発したステロイド緑内障に有効である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of selective laser trabeculoplasty(SLT)for steroid-induced glaucoma. Cases:This study was made on 7 eyes of 7 patients who received SLT for glaucoma secondary to treatment with peroral corticosteroid. The series comprised 5 males and 2 females. The age ranged from 56 to 72 years, average 64 years. Corticosteroid had been prescribed for 11.3±3.5 years. Intraocular pressure(IOP)started to rise after 6.1±3.5 years of treatment. Each patient had been treated with 2.9±0.6 topical drugs for glaucoma. Patients had been treated with topical medications and systemic corticosteroid after SLT. Results:IOP averaged 26.6±5.3 mmHg before SLT, 20.3±3.1 mmHg after 1 month, 17.7±2.4 mmHg after 3 months, and 16.2±1.3 mmHg after 6 months. Each postoperative IOP was significantly lower than preoperative one. Conclusion:SLT was effective for glaucoma secondary to systemic corticosteroid in the present series.

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