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要約 目的:緑内障に対する塩酸レボブノロール点眼を1日1回から2回に切り替えたときの眼圧下降効果の報告。対象と方法:塩酸レボブノロールを1日1回点眼中の10例10眼を対象とした。原発開放隅角緑内障4例と正常眼圧緑内障6例であり,男性8例,女性2例,年齢は39~75歳(平均60歳)である。眼圧は21.0±4.2mmHgであった。結果:点眼を1日2回に切り替えてから1か月後の眼圧は19.6±3.9mmHgで有意差がなく,3か月後に17.6±4.2mmHg,6か月後に18.4±5.0mmHgと,ともに有意に下降した(p<0.05)。結論:塩酸レボブノロールの点眼を1日1回から2回に切り替えることで,眼圧下降効果が増加する。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the effect of changed frequency of levobunolol hydrochloride from once to twice daily on the intraocular pressure(IOP). Cases and Method:This study was made on 10 eyes of 10 patients who had been treated by topical levobunolol once daily. The series comprised 4 cases of primary open-angle and 6 cases of normal-tension glaucoma. The age ranged from 39 to 75 years, average 60 years. The IOP averaged 21.0±4.2mmHg. Results:One month after switching to instillation twice daily, IOP averaged 19.6±3.9mmHg. The difference from baseline was not significant. IOP 3 and 6 months later averaged 17.6±4.2mmHg and 18.4±5.0mmHg respectively. Both values were significantly lower from baseline(p<0.05). Conclusion:Hypotensive effect of levobunolol increases by switching from once to twice daily.

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